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Nola Masterson

Ms Masterson has been certified as a Master Results Coach by Christopher Howard Leadership and Coaching Academy. She works using Neuro Linguistic Programming for optimal performance for executives and organizational teams.  She has worked with startup CEO’s and public traded Boards of Directors. Ms Masterson has over 38 years in venture capital company formation, putting boards together and working tobuild excellent management teams. She has been the CEO of her own start which had an IPO on NASDAQ. She has a long career in biotechnology and pharmaceutical company building. Ms. Masterson works with BoardWise training board members and sits on boards of Directors.

More about Nola Masterson

Ms. Masterson began her business career at Millipore Corporation serving as VP of the Life Sciences Division. She created Science Futures Management Company to become the first analyst for biotechnology at Drexel Burnham Lambert, and Merrill Lynch. She has been a venture partner at TVM  Capital and is now at Portfolia as lead investor in the Femtech Funds.


MS. Masterson earned her M.S. in Biological Sciences from George Washington University and has a B.S. from Marymount at Fordham University in Biology and a Medical Technology degree from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.

Value Propositions

I work with executives and board directors for both professional development and career growth with a focus on leadership and board governance roles. I work with CEOs to plan and execute successful strategies for success.


Coaching starts with capturing interview input from the clients about the results they want to achieve. NLP is like an owner’s manual for the mind.  NLP technology accelerates the transformation and expands upon modeling behavioral changes. We review values and strategic visioning. We review together and create a plan to align values and strategy over a three-month period. We meet twice a week to create your career choices.

Method of Delivery for Services

  • Online
  • Phone