Where Do I Begin?

Guidance for Lawyers Transitioning to Business
Under this tab we offer concise articles long on practical information to help get you from your law career to your next one and short on generalities and feel-good advice. To take just one example, in What is Your Elevator Pitch?, we talk about how to answer the two questions you will be asked at every interview….

EXJ Career Diagnostic
ex judicata has created a first-ever diagnostic tool for attorneys seeking to move from law to business. Working with a team of Ph.D’s in Organizational Behavior and Analytics, we identified eight key attorney personality traits overlaid with 25 business careers.

Career Corner
Moving out of the practice of law to a position in business, a not for profit, government or academia involves a number of challenges, One of the most critical is having to revise one’s ‘lawyer CV’ and ‘lawyer LinkedIn profile’. Fortunately, there are many experts who can provide assistance. The difficulty is finding the right one for your own unique background. We can help.

Courses & Webinars
The co-founders of ex judicata created several hundred management education courses and conferences for attorneys with their first startup, Fulcrum Information Services. They bring their hands-on expertise now to programming courses for attorneys who want to pivot to careers in business, not-for-profits, academia or government.

Money Management
In a good number of cases if you are leaving the practice of law your starting compensation will take a hit. Long term you may well make more in your new career then you would have made staying an attorney. And, of course, you can’t price the satisfaction and wellness derived from moving. That is what all this is ultimately about. Nevertheless, you need a financial plan when moving.

We are cultivating content from thought leaders and members of the ex judicata community on everything relating to stress reduction and positive goal attainment.
We begin by talking about the concept of change. Changing jobs is hard enough. Changing careers is even more difficult on a mental, emotional and, even, physical level.