Letter from the Editor

April 2024,

Things continue to move a mile a minute here at exj.  When you are trying to change the world, even a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of it, you’ve got to keep the plates spinning.

We just crossed 28,000 unique users in 8 months.  We think that’s good but no real frame of reference.  If anyone can chime in here…

We’ve just put up the ex judicata bookstore.  Why?  We read a lot.  And we are assembling an eclectic mix.  When was the last time you came across Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?

Some are books by people we have interviewed, others are classics but all serve our market—JDs interested in leaving law for new worlds.  No wasted pages here. Life is too short to read bad writing.

Pleased to report we got official word of securing our trademarks from the USPTO EX JUDICATA and

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 We’ve been experimenting with the ‘Hero’ box on the home page of ex judicata.com.

Currently appearing is something kind of cool…we think.  Before launching ex judicata we put up some posters on an abandoned building near the courthouses in New York City.  No sooner had the first one gone up when a woman walked by.  Stopped in her tracks.  Came back, took out her phone and took a picture of the poster.

“Why?’ we asked.  She answered: “Because, I’m a lawyer and I’m interested in leaving law.”

To all, on the cusp of making a change, we are behind you.

neil handwerker signature (1)

[email protected]

“Asked and Answered” 

The question I get asked most often from lawyers who feel they have hit a wall and want to consider career alternatives is something like:

“Where do you suggest I start? I have no idea what types of opportunities are available for someone with my background.”  

We created a tool specifically to help, the exj Diagnostic.  Put together with a pair of Ph.D.s in organizational behavior, it matches your personality, work history, and skill set with 25 different careers where JDs have proven successful time and time again.                                                                                                      

Click here to learn more.