EXJ Community
Building a community with your help. Are you an attorney who has already moved to a career in business, the not-for-profit space, academia or government?
If you are, you at some point made a fateful and almost certainly brave decision to completely alter your career trajectory. To leave the practice of law for another role entirely. For some of us it came early, a realization while still in law school, that the practice of law was not going to be a fit for what we wanted to do in our lives. Like Lisa Kurbiel, Head of Secretariat, Joint SDG Fund, United Nations.
For others, it may have come a few years into the practice of law, while still an associate working in a corporate law department. Like Michael Andrews, Founder of the eponymous bespoke clothier.
Then, there are the more seasoned members of our community who left law firm partnerships for business roles. Like Mari-Claudia Jimenez, EVP, Managing Director & Worldwide Co-Head of Business Development, Fine Arts, Sotheby’s and Mark Meyer, Co-Founder of Wigle Whiskey
Many of us share having had to get over a financial hurdle. To somehow continue to pay the bills with lower salaries to start than we were earning when practicing law. No doubt a good number in our community had to overcome objections from spouses and/or family members to taking a hit in the pocketbook and/or to perceived prestige.
Every one of us crossed a divide ultimately leading to jobs providing greater career satisfaction and more enriched lives.
There was a Dean at Harvard Law School famous for announcing at the start of the first year: “A lot of you sitting here think the law won’t be your ultimate occupation. For 99% of you it will be.” I didn’t go to Harvard but that always makes me smile.
We are building a first ever peer-to-peer network for non-practicing lawyers.

We hope you will agree to join us now. Why?
Please be a helper. Your participation and insights will be invaluable as exjudicata.com builds a content-rich platform to assist lawyers, currently practicing, who are endeavoring to make a successful transition as you did.
There is no cost for the first year with low future annual dues.